Beauty Benefits of Watermelon Seeds | Rejuvenation of the Skin with Watermelon Seeds

Beauty Benefits of Watermelon Seeds | Rejuvenation of the Skin with Watermelon Seeds

By: Dr. M. Kamran Amiri
And The Living Legend
Ahmad Javed Kamran Amiri
Dated: Sunday 10th November 2019

Rejuvenation of turmeric seeds by many people consumes watermelon but discards its seeds. In many Asian countries, watermelon seeds are harvested, dried in special processes, and then marketed to popcorn. These seeds are one of the common meals of the Egyptians and are used in the preparation of breads, soups and many foods. Oil is extracted in many African countries and is used in many cosmetics and skin products. Watermelon Seed Oil; there are two ways to use watermelon seed for skin care: use watermelon orally and topically, especially watermelon seed oil. Watermelon seeds are high in niacin, which increases the production of ceramide and fatty acids effective in skin care. Niacin delivers good elasticity to the skin, tightens the skin, removes fine lines and wrinkles, eliminates black spots, relieves itching and yellows. Also, clogged pores open and provide hydration to the skin, softness and radiance of the skin, removing contamination caused by cosmetics, and so on are the effects of continued use of sunflower seed oil. High in Amino Acids Among All the Amino Acids Needed by the Body Some amino acids are known to be essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and need to be supplied through various foods. Among these amino acids are tryptophan and lysine and watermelon seeds are high in arginine, lysine, tryptophan and glutamic acid.
1. Therapeutic Effects Watermelon seeds, due to their high levels of magnesium and its many effects on the regulation of carbohydrate and sugar metabolism, lead to control of blood sugar in diabetics.

2. Watermelon seeds are suitable substitutes for vitamin B tablets because of their high content of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6) and folate which is substitutes for vitamin B complex.  

3. These seeds improve the functioning of the nervous system. Because it is high in niacin and 100 grams of watermelon seeds, provides about 19% of the daily need for niacin, which protects the nervous system.

4. Urine is facilitated by these seeds and watermelon seeds can be used to improve kidney and urinary function. Watermelon seeds, due to their diuretic effects, facilitate the excretion of water from the body and induce urea excretion. As a result, it protects the body from the toxic effects of urea.

5. Watermelon seeds are useful in regulating gastrointestinal activity and are used to improve intestinal disorders.

Re-birth of Skin with Watermelon

It is just because of this that watermelon is high in magnesium, is used to prevent skin inflammation, scratches and wounds. Zinc is another mineral found in watermelon seeds that causes cell growth and rebirth. Zinc controls the production of fat in the skin and is also useful for acne and other skin disorders. Nowadays, this oil is widely used to provide skin and hair care products as a moisturizer. High-fat watermelon seeds are high in fatty acids, proteins, essential amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan; vitamins, thiamine, niacin, folate and B6; and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium and copper. 100grams of watermelon seeds has a 600-calorie energy equivalent to 10 slices of bread. The fat in these grains provides 400 calories of total energy. In fact, the fat contained in 100grams of watermelon seeds accounts for 80% of the daily requirement for fat. High in Iron Women in the age group of 19 to 50 years need to consume 18mg of iron per day, which increases during pregnancy and reaches 27mg per day. Watermelon seeds are high in iron and contain about 30mg of iron in every 2grams, which, if consumed with vitamin C sources, increases iron absorption. Iron is needed to make red blood cells and carries oxygen to the tissues, and iron deficiency results in reduced oxygen in the tissues resulting in fatigue and weakness. Control of blood pressure by watermelon seeds is very useful not just for blood pressure but also for heart disease due to magnesium and amino acid arginine. Magnesium is a mineral that is used in the body for proper heart function, normal blood pressure, proper immune system function, preventing muscle cramps, energy metabolism, and so on. In addition to magnesium in watermelon seeds, because of its amino acid content, arginine is very good for regulating blood pressure and preventing heart disease because it prevents blood vessels from narrowing.

Beauty Benefits of Watermelon Seeds | Rejuvenation of the Skin with Watermelon Seeds Beauty Benefits of Watermelon Seeds | Rejuvenation of the Skin with Watermelon Seeds Reviewed by World of Lore on November 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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