Social , Education

The Living Legend
Ahmad Javed Kamran Amiri
Dated: Wednesday 1st January 2020

Before starting my words I would like to ask some questions; if you don’t know the correct answers then read this article with all of you senses.

1.        Why many of the Muslim countries problems are common?

2.         How did the colonial powers exploit the Muslim countries?
3.        Why do the Muslim countries find it hard and difficult to set up their own industries even today?
4.        How have been the Muslim countries been treated during the centuries of foreign rule?
5.        What the major problems of the Muslim countries?
6.        What is the greatest problem faced by the Muslim world?
7.        What did Sayyed Jamaluddin Afghan try to teach the Muslim world?

                Most of the Muslim countries have only recently won their freedom after nearly hundreds of years of foreign role. Our own homeland Afghanistan became free in 19th August 1919. Some of our neighbor countries got their freedom much later. Many of the problems of these countries are, therefore common.
            The foreign rulers exploited the Muslim countries. Their raw materials were taken away at low prices. No industries were set up in these countries. Even now when they are free, they find it hard to develop their own industries. The rich nations of the west buy raw materials from them at low prices and sell them machinery and finished products at high prices.
            During the 2 or 3 centuries of colonial rule, these nations have been kept ignorant and backward. They have not been allowed opportunities to educate themselves and to improve their condition. Ignorance and poverty are their major problems.
            It is true that some of the Muslim countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Iran possess vast quantities of natural oil, gas and other minerals. They sell them to the countries of the west and earn a lot of money. But wealth is not of much use to them because they mostly lack technical knowledge and skill. Even for discovering and utilizing their own natural resources, they have to rely on the countries of the west. These countries take away a big share of their wealth. Turkey is the only country that is in a position to send some technical experts to other Muslim countries.
            Perhaps the greatest problem faced by the Muslim world is lack of unity and brotherhood. Some of them turn to the communist countries for friendship and some of them to the capitalist countries.
            Thinkers and scholars like Sayyed Jamaluddin Afghan… tried hard to teach the Muslims to turn only to One and Only God (ALLAH) and to become true Muslims.
            We have to be aware because some of our enemies and enemy countries are trying to divide us and our country into many parts and creating misunderstanding among the Muslims especially among the Afghan Muslim. We can however, hope for the unity of the Muslim world in the long run, because they cannot exist without it (unity). We must pray and work hard and harder for it without seeing it is day or night, sunny or windy, and wet or dry to do everything to promote the Muslim work and bring true unity and brotherhood among all Muslims of Muslim World. As I know all Islamic countries are now taking practical steps and working hard day and night to achieve this most important goal.
            It mentionable and it is so important to say that true Unity and brotherhood is the only thing through which Muslim world can become developed and wealthy countries. So please let’s try to make unity and became a happy country.

THE MUSLIM WORLD AND ITS PROBLEMS THE MUSLIM WORLD AND ITS PROBLEMS Reviewed by World of Lore on December 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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