11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic

11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic 

By: Dr. M. Kamran Amiri
And The Living Legend
Ahmad Javed Kamran Amiri
Dated: Monday 15th June 2020

The properties and benefits of garlic with an empty stomach are so great that by reading its benefits and properties, you may be forced to use it at every meal and during the day.

What ingredients does garlic contain?
In short, garlic is rich in folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and a small amount of zinc and vitamins B2, B1 and B3.

Learn about the many benefits and properties of garlic
Garlic has been used to purify the blood for many years.
Garlic contains sulfur compounds that stimulate the immune system and have a high potential for destroying cancerous tumors.
Eating garlic clears the airways and clears the blood, reducing the severity of shortness of breath and sometimes treating it.
It treats some types of pulmonary tuberculosis, especially when mixed with milk, because then it has a significant effect on killing the Koch microbe.
Garlic brightens the skin and reddens the cheeks and cleanses the intestines of infections, especially in children, and is a shield against typhoid and diphtheria and whooping cough.

The amazing benefits of garlic
It cures respiratory infections.
To relieve toothache, apply raw garlic to the gums and teeth several times a day.
Put the crushed garlic on the wart to get rid of it.
To treat sinusitis, fry a few cloves of crushed garlic in butter and serve with bread.
Finely chop a clove of garlic and drink a little water to relieve bloating, constipation and stomach pain.
The smell of garlic is relieved by chewing lettuce, parsley or eating milk, apples or honey. Also put some dry tea in your mouth and swallow it.
It is recommended to take half or one clove of raw garlic daily.
Consumption of thick garlic ointment may cause skin irritation and even mild burns.

Other uses include garlic to treat fever, cough, headache, abdominal pain, sinus congestion, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, asthma, and bronchitis, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, high blood sugar and snake bites. Be. Garlic is also used to fight stress and fatigue and keep the liver healthy.

Garlic is useful for treating forgetfulness and forgetfulness.
Rubbing garlic on the lashes and pimples on the eyelids will remove them.
Putting cooked garlic on the corns and warts for several days will remove them.
Garlic is one of the vegetables that prevents many cancers. Prevents colon, breast, stomach, prostate and bladder cancers.
Garlic is useful for treating various ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, gout, corns and warts (topically), tuberculosis, toothache, stinging and high blood pressure.
It also crushes kidney stones and is effective in disinfecting urinary tract and vaginal and bladder infections.
Consumption of half a glass of garlic and sour lemon extract a day will have a great effect on relieving clogged arteries.
It relieves cough, colds and chest cramps.
It fights gastrointestinal tract infections and strengthens the immune system.
It is good for people with hyperthyroidism because it is an excellent source of iodine.
Its vitamin C is effective in treating scurvy (a type of blood disease caused by vitamin C deficiency).
It is good for heart health and counteracts all kinds of cardiovascular diseases.

Some people use garlic to prevent colon cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Garlic is also used to treat prostate and bladder cancers. Garlic is also used to treat enlarged prostate, diabetes, arthritis, arthritis, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), traveler's diarrhea, high blood pressure in late pregnancy, colds, prevention and treatment of bacterial and fungal infections.

Sulfur and selenium prevent the tumor and reduce its size if the tumor develops.
Its analgesic properties treat toothache.
It regulates blood sugar by raising insulin levels.
Its powerful antioxidant neutralizes free radicals that cause aging and disease.
By diluting the blood, it prevents the blood from clotting, thus reducing the risk of stroke.

It has anti-inflammatory properties.
Raw garlic contains a natural antibiotic called allicin, which kills drug-resistant bacteria such as MRSA and Helicobacter pylori, which can cause stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.

Harms of improper consumption of garlic

Garlic Harms:
Breastfeeding mothers should not overeat because it changes the taste of their milk and the baby may stop breastfeeding.
Excessive consumption of garlic causes dizziness, low blood pressure, allergies (allergies), and in rare cases leads to bleeding.
Garlic does not appear to have an effect on drug metabolism, but patients taking anticoagulants such as aspirin should be careful with garlic because garlic prevents blood clotting. Therefore, people who have surgery should avoid eating garlic for 7 to 10 days before surgery, because it prolongs the bleeding time. .

Pregnant or lactating women should not use garlic. .

Garlic is used in the form of garlic tablets, garlic pickles, fried garlic and..

Some people use garlic oil to treat fungal infections, warts and corns. Although scientific research shows that garlic can cure fungal infections such as athlete's foot, the effectiveness of garlic oil on warts and corns has not been proven.

Consumption of garlic during pregnancy is generally safe when consumed in the right amounts. Garlic is generally dangerous when taken during treatment.
When garlic is used on the skin, it can generally be dangerous. Garlic can damage the skin in the form of burns.
Consumption of edible garlic is safe and secure for the general public. Garlic can cause bad breath, a burning sensation in the mouth or stomach, heartburn, bloating, nausea and vomiting, body odor and diarrhea. These side effects are more common with raw garlic. Garlic can also increase the risk of bleeding. Asthma and other allergic reactions may also occur in people who eat garlic.

Diseases in which garlic is ineffective:
Diabetes - Garlic does not appear to be effective in treating high blood sugar.
Treatment of Hilobacter - Although garlic has been shown to reduce this bacterium in laboratory results, this has not been observed in practice.
High Cholesterol - There has been a lot of research on the effect of garlic on blood lipids, blood cholesterol and triglycerides, however the results are different.
Breast cancer and lung cancer.

11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic 11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic Reviewed by World of Lore on June 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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