An Irreversible Journey for Those Who Want to Have a Trip to Space

An Irreversible Journey for Those Who Want to Have a Trip to Space

Technology, Education

By: Dr. M. Kamran Amiri
And The Living Legend
Ahmad Javed Kamran Amiri
Dated: Tuesday 26th May 2020

Traveling to Mars is one of the aspirations of astronauts, but there are serious dangers for the volunteers of this adventure that could cause their death.

Experts from the European Space Agency, ESA, warn that all astronauts could die before humans reach Mars due to various events, especially cosmic radiation, and that only their bodies could reach Mars.

The main cause of astronauts 'deaths on long-distance space travel is cosmic rays, which can cause a variety of complications in astronauts' bodies.

Early death of astronauts due to radiation from cosmic rays
Experts believe that human vulnerability to cosmic radiation could lead astronauts to a variety of dangerous diseases and premature deaths before the end of the three-year time to reach Mars.

Today, leading space companies have spent most of their time and space building powerful, high-speed missiles and spacecraft capable of transporting humans to the Red Planet, but much research has been done on special instruments to protect astronauts' bodies from cosmic rays. It's not done.

The advancement of high-speed, safe space-saving capsule and missile technology in the face of a long-distance journey into the depths of space never means protecting the fragile and vulnerable structure of human astronauts.

Today, astronauts stationed at the International Space Station are much more vulnerable to cosmic radiation than humans living on Earth, and have high rates of cancer, especially skin cancer.

A study of two twin brothers, Scott and Mike Kelly, found that living in space had caused permanent damage to the DNA structure of Scott Kelly's body, which had been housed at the International Space Station for a year.

According to forecasts, by 2030, humans will make their first trip to Mars, and experts believe that in order for these efforts to survive and for astronauts to survive, precise strategies must be devised to protect them from cosmic radiation.

Cosmic rays even damage existing electronic equipment in the capsule, telescope, and space rocket structures, so they are specially covered or regularly replaced by repair experts and damaged parts.

Experts warn that if a safe solution to protect astronauts from cosmic rays is not considered, a trip to Mars would be a suicidal and irreversible journey, and astronauts would die before reaching Mars.

According to researchers, many studies have not been conducted on cosmic rays and their effects on human health, and so far no human has lived in space for more than a year.

An Irreversible Journey for Those Who Want to Have a Trip to Space An Irreversible Journey for Those Who Want to Have a Trip to Space Reviewed by World of Lore on May 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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